Davis Cup 2015: San Marino-Armenia 2-0.
Davis Cup 2015: San Marino-Armenia 2-0.
The Titans closed in 9th place. Promoted to Group II Georgia and Norway.

Pietro Grassi and Marco De Rossi bent respectively resistance Mikayel Avetysian and Ashot Gevorgyan delivering to San Marino (photo) the first victory of the Davis Cup played at home and ninth-place finish out of 13 nations. Grassi got rid of Avetysian without much trouble leaving only a game and closing score of 6-0 6-1. De Rossi sold opponent on second set only to refer to the third largest (6-3 2-6 6-2 partials). There was no need to play doubles. Domenico Vicini the Capitan of blue-white team player who followed the young fellow National from the sidelines: "Tennis San Marino has a great future, I'm happy, I do so many congratulations to Pietro and Marco." Performance also applauded the President of the Federazione Sammarinese Tennis Christian Forcellini: "After a qualification round complex that had seen us relegated to last place we took our sweet revenge by beating Armenia. Congratulations to all four of our guys." In the morning, in the presence of the President of the CONS Gian Primo Giardi who brought his greetings to the teams, he was held a short Opening Ceremony with all the players lined up on the "central" of Fonte dell'Ovo behind their flag to listen the national anthem of San Marino. Georgia and Norway, respectively victorious 2-0 over Estonia and Cyprus, with Baghdatis in bench, closed head in the competition and are therefore promoted in Group 2. On court 6, Macedonia beat Greece 2-0 and closed fifth.


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