Davis Cup 2015: San Marino, bitter debut.
Davis Cup 2015: San Marino, bitter debut.
Cyprus beat the Titans (0-3). Ok debut for Georgia, Estonia, Malta and Macedonia.

At the Tennis Centre Cassa di Risparmio of Fonte dell'Ovo ended the first day of competition of the Davis Cup 2015 (Group III - Zone Europe). The hosts San Marino, placed in Group A, were defeated by Cyprus and tomorrow will absolutely groped to beat Greece to finish second in the same group so Saturday and aspire to a placement of prestige. Despite the absence of Marcos Baghdatis, kept in bench by his captain, Cypriots have won 3-0, winning both singles with Christos Hadjigeorgiou and Petros Chrysochos respectively on Pietro Grassi (photo) and Marco De Rossi, with the same score (6-3 6-0). In doubles, nothing to do for the duo Zonzini-Vicini, exceeded in two sets. In other challenges, victories for Estonia (3-0 on Liechtenstein), Macedonia (3-0 on Armenia) and Georgia (3-0 on Albania). On court the last double of the day, with Malta already ahead 2-0 after the singles with Iceland.


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